Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rainy Day

Its going to be a rainy day today, typically this would be a perfect day for exerting energy into a crafty project.  Today, however is a hair day.  I will be chopping, plucking, waxing, coloring and any sort of other thing that you can do with hair today.  Thats right, not only am I crafty around the house, but I am quite the craftsman when it comes to hair also (got Martha Stewart's ass beat on this one).  So to be completely random, here is a picture that has nothing to do with anything that I have just written about.  Thought this was a cute idea though.  I put it in the kitchen because I just don't think faux fruit belongs anywhere else in your house, unless you are into that sort of thing.  Enjoy your day!

I hate coke, but I do love antiques and most of all this old coke crate. Hang it on a wall, put in something small, like these apples and it gives it a more "modern vintage" look. 

This looks crooked.  Its not.  Just bad photo taken by me with a dying camera. I was in a hurry before the battery ran out.  Would Martha Stewart really hang something crooked?  No. She wouldn't.  Neither would I.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Calorie Free Cinnamon Sugar Bread (this is a lie of course)

I found this recipe online and couldn't wait to try it.  I have never made bread before.  This recipe was fairly easy, however, I could have turned another year older with all the waiting that had to be done.  Mix this, wait and hour, mix more, wait 30 min, knead, wait 30 min, cut, wait 5 min, make, wait 30 min, bake, wait 20 min, SERIOUSLY.   Any experienced bread maker would tell me that I'm stupid for not realizing bread takes this long.  I don't care.  Needless to say our "breakfast" was finally done at the ass-crack of 11:30.  The bread was amazing and the closest thing I have had to my grandma's famous cinnamon rolls ( don't worry grandma, you still got me beat by a long shot).

Here is the recipe:


Spiced Up Pantry

No one truley loves their pantry, everyone loves the fact that they HAVE a pantry.  Who, honestly, wants guests to open the golden doors to the cluttered mess that is their pantry.  Not me.  Its a hot mess.  Its stained wall shows years of tossing half empty cans or leftover food into the trash can.  Not to mention the unsightly view of cat/dog food right when you open the door.  Shelves ransacked with half eatin chip bags and old cereal boxes that need thrown out.  Well I was sick of living like this.  I decided to take a stand and make my pantry as chic as the rest of my house.  Just one long morning later and I felt like I was looking into someone elses pantry.  

Before all hell broke loose:

Saving snacks for later on that wall in case I get hungry.

After Martha Stewart possessed me :):

Little bins and baskets I had laying artound the house became more chic with a few scrapbook letters on them.  Aqua colored 'Ball' jars.  Enough said.  Buy as many as you can and store as much as you can in them.  So adorable.  

Promises Promises

Welcome to the Rouse House Blog!  So, I have tried my hand at a blog in the past and it always ends up falling to the way side.  I don't know maybe I am too lazy to post something or I just don't have that much exciting stuff to post.  This time around though the excuse will be neither (I will think of some excuse), because this time around I am actually going to post stuff.  I have been using the website, Pinterest, lately.  If you have never been on it and love to waste hours of your day looking at really cool things that are handpicked by the website specifically to your interest, then you should join!  Me, however, am a total do-it-yourself-er.  Anyone that knows me knows that I always have some sort of project going on.  Seeing as we don't have young-ins running around yet I still have the time and energy to do these things.  I am taking full advantage of that time!  So if you love DIY projects or just love looking at pictures and wasting many hours of your day then you should definitely follow my blog.  Enjoy!