Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sneak Peak

Ok, Ok, I  am sorry its been a few days since I have posted, but Hey, I cant post EVERY day.  I mean, come on, I've gotta keep you guys guessin right? Today's post is a sneak peak for you.  After a couple trips to Home Depot and starring at paint swatches for a good 12 hours we have decided to paint.  Deciding to go with the color brown was the easy part, deciding which shade, not so easy.  In fact, its amazing how many shades of freakin brown they have out there.  We are talking like a hair of a difference in color.  Do you think people are really going to notice that much of a difference?!  Apparently we did because we painted 6 different colors all around the room. Martha would have been proud, I didn't quickly jump with a color that I thought I loved, instead we painted giant spots around the room and lived with them for a day. For a very  impatient girl, this was a huge step into decorating maturity.  However, it looked like a giant elephant had a fight with indigestion and the indigestion won.  It was a little chaotic looking for a day.  After much deliberation we decided on a color.  I will be posting before and after pictures of the entire room, but for now here is your little hint.

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