Monday, August 29, 2011

Spiced Up Pantry

No one truley loves their pantry, everyone loves the fact that they HAVE a pantry.  Who, honestly, wants guests to open the golden doors to the cluttered mess that is their pantry.  Not me.  Its a hot mess.  Its stained wall shows years of tossing half empty cans or leftover food into the trash can.  Not to mention the unsightly view of cat/dog food right when you open the door.  Shelves ransacked with half eatin chip bags and old cereal boxes that need thrown out.  Well I was sick of living like this.  I decided to take a stand and make my pantry as chic as the rest of my house.  Just one long morning later and I felt like I was looking into someone elses pantry.  

Before all hell broke loose:

Saving snacks for later on that wall in case I get hungry.

After Martha Stewart possessed me :):

Little bins and baskets I had laying artound the house became more chic with a few scrapbook letters on them.  Aqua colored 'Ball' jars.  Enough said.  Buy as many as you can and store as much as you can in them.  So adorable.  

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the apron! So cute! Great job. If we had a pantry...I'd hire you to come organize it. :)
